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Java Solr Troubleshooting

Problem 1: Solr Data Does not Appear

You are using the Solr platform in your web application, but Solr data does not appear in the UI for your app from one.newrelic.com > All capabilities > APM & services > (select a Java app) > Monitor.


To ensure Solr is configured correctly and data is reporting to New Relic, do the following as applicable:

  • JMX: Ensure JMX is enabled in your Solr configuration in solrconfig.xml by using the <jmx/> tag. The solrconfig.xml file is the configuration file with the most parameters affecting Solr itself.
  • Jetty: If you are a Jetty user, manually enable JMX for Jetty.
  • Solr metrics: Check the JMX console for Solr metrics. The Solr cache and updates come from MBeans.

Problem 2: Solr JMX Metric Changes from Agent v8.10 Increased Injest or Dashboards Stopped Reporting.

After 8.10 release of the agent, JMX metrics produced by Solr have changed their formatting and had increased granularity to deal with clusters. As a consequence, injest has increased and certain queries will not work anymore.

Before 8.10 Solr JMX metrics were in the format: JMX/solr/{collection name}/%/{attribute}/ After 8.10 was released they are in the format: JMX/solr/{collection name}.{shard}.{core name}/{name_value}/%/{attribute}/


To revert back to the old formatting of JMX metrics so that old queries and metrics ingest is lower, apply the following config:

common: &default_settings
# .... configurations above ...
enable_iterated_objectname_keys: true
# ... configurations below ...
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