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Run on-host integrations manually (dry-run)


You want to know if an on-host integration is configured as expected and gathering metrics. To diagnose it, use the dry-run flag with the infrastructure agent or run the integration manually.


Integrations dry-run

Starting with infastructure agent version 1.27.0, it can run integrations in dry-run mode for troubleshooting. In this mode, the agent will run integrations from provided configuration and it will print the integrations output in the standard output.

This mode supports a single configuration file or a folder with multiple configuration files.

Dry-run flag:

/usr/bin/newrelic-infra -dry_run -integration_config_path PATH_TO_FILE_OR_DIR

Example: Testing a single integration file:

/usr/bin/newrelic-infra -dry_run -integration_config_path /any/absolute/path/mysql-config.yml

Example: Testing a single integration file with debug logs:

NRIA_LOG_LEVEL=trace /usr/bin/newrelic-infra -dry_run -integration_config_path /any/absolute/path/mysql-config.yml

Example: Testing all files inside a folder:

/usr/bin/newrelic-infra -dry_run -integration_config_path /any/absolute/path

For each integration execution, the command will print the name of the integration and its output.

Integration Name: nri-mysql
Integration Output: {"name":"com.newrelic.mysql","protocol_version":"3","integration_version":"1.8.0","data":[{"entity":{"name":"localhost:3309","type":"node","id_attributes":[]},"metrics":[{"cluster.nodeType":"master","db.handlerRollbackPerSecond":0,"db.innodb.bufferPoolPagesData":1139,"db.innodb.bufferPoolPagesFree":7049,"db.innodb.bufferPoolPagesTotal":8192,"db.innodb.dataReadBytesPerSecond":0,"db.innodb.dataWrittenBytesPerSecond":0,"db.innodb.logWaitsPerSecond":0,"db.innodb.rowLockCurrentWaits"...

When running multiple files, the different integration outputs will be separated with ----------

Integration Name: nri-mysql
Integration Output: {"name":"com.newrelic.mysql","protocol_version":"3","integration_version":"1.8.0","data":...
Integration Name: nri-ibmmq
Integration Output: {"protocol_version":"4","integration":{"name":"nri-ibmmq","version":"0.0.2"},"data":....

Manual execution

Use the following commands to run your integrations manually:

All integrations allow the following options:

-help: Display the list of allowed parameters

-pretty: Outputs pretty formatted JSON

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