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Go agent release notesRSS

December 2, 2019
Go agent v2.16.1


New Relic's Go agent v3.0 is currently available for review and beta testing. Your use of this pre-release is at your own risk. New Relic disclaims all warranties, express or implied, regarding the beta release.

If you do not manually take steps to use the new v3 folder, as described below, you will not see any changes in your agent.

This 2.16.1 release includes a new v3.0 folder which contains the pre-release of Go agent v3.0; Go agent v3.0 includes breaking changes. We are seeking feedback and hope that you will look this over and test out the changes prior to the official release.

This is not an official 3.0 release, it is just a vehicle to gather feedback on proposed changes. It is not tagged as 3.0 in Github and the 3.0 release is not yet available to update in your Go mod file. In order to test out these changes, you will need to clone this repo in your Go source directory, under [go-src-dir]/src/github.com/newrelic/go-agent. Once you have the source checked out, you will need to follow the steps in the second section of v3/MIGRATION.md.

A list of changes and installation instructions is included in the v3 folder and can be found here

For this pre-release (beta) version of Go agent v3.0, please note:

  • The changes in the v3 folder represent what we expect to release in ~2 weeks as our major 3.0 release. However, as we are soliciting feedback on the changes and there is the possibility of some breaking changes before the official release.
  • This is not an official 3.0 release; it is not tagged as 3.0 in Github and the 3.0 release is not yet available to update in your Go mod file.
  • If you test out these changes and encounter issues, questions, or have feedback that you would like to pass along, please open up an issue here and be sure to include the label 3.0.
    • For normal (non-3.0) issues/questions we request that you report them via our support site or our community forum. Please only report questions related to the 3.0 pre-release directly via GitHub.

New Features

  • V3 will add support for Go Modules. The go.mod files exist in the v3 folder, but they will not be usable until we have fully tagged the 3.0 release officially. Examples of version tags we plan to use for different modules include:
    • v3.0.0
    • v3/integrations/nrecho-v3/v1.0.0
    • v3/integrations/nrecho-v4/v1.0.0


  • The changes are the ones that we have requested feedback previously in this issue.
  • A full list of changes that are included, along with a checklist for upgrading, is available in v3/MIGRATION.md.

November 22, 2019
Go agent v2.16.0



Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue in the nrhttprouter integration where the transaction was not being added to the requests context. This resulted in an inability to access the transaction from within an httprouter.Handle function. This issue has now been fixed.

October 24, 2019
Go agent v2.15.0


New Features

  • Added support for monitoring MongoDB queries with the new _integrations/nrmongo package.

  • Added new method Transaction.IsSampled() that returns a boolean that indicates if the transaction is sampled. A sampled transaction records a span event for each segment. Distributed tracing must be enabled for transactions to be sampled. false is returned if the transaction has finished. This sampling flag is needed for B3 trace propagation and future support of W3C Trace Context.

  • Added support for adding B3 Headers to outgoing requests. This is helpful if the service you are calling uses B3 for trace state propagation (for example, it uses Zipkin instrumentation). You can use the new _integrations/nrb3 package's nrb3.NewRoundTripper like this:

    // When defining the client, set the Transport to the NewRoundTripper. This
    // will create ExternalSegments and add B3 headers for each request.
    client := &http.Client{
    Transport: nrb3.NewRoundTripper(nil),
    // Distributed Tracing must be enabled for this application.
    // (see https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/understand-dependencies/distributed-tracing/enable-configure/enable-distributed-tracing)
    txn := currentTxn()
    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "http://example.com", nil)
    if nil != err {
    // Be sure to add the transaction to the request context. This step is
    // required.
    req = newrelic.RequestWithTransactionContext(req, txn)
    resp, err := client.Do(req)
    if nil != err {
    defer resp.Body.Close()

October 15, 2019
Go agent v2.14.1


Bug Fixes

  • Removed the hidden "NEW_RELIC_DEBUG_LOGGING" environment variable setting which was broken in release 2.14.0.

October 14, 2019
Go agent v2.14.0


New Features

  • Added support for a new segment type, MessageProducerSegment, to be used to track time spent adding messages to message queuing systems like RabbitMQ or Kafka.

    seg := &newrelic.MessageProducerSegment{
    StartTime: newrelic.StartSegmentNow(txn),
    Library: "RabbitMQ",
    DestinationType: newrelic.MessageExchange,
    DestinationName: "myExchange",
    // add message to queue here
  • Added new attribute constants for use with message consumer transactions. These attributes can be used to add more detail to a transaction that tracks time spent consuming a message off a message queuing system like RabbitMQ or Kafka. They can be added using txn.AddAttribute.

    // The routing key of the consumed message.
    txn.AddAttribute(newrelic.AttributeMessageRoutingKey, "myRoutingKey")
    // The name of the queue the message was consumed from.
    txn.AddAttribute(newrelic.AttributeMessageQueueName, "myQueueName")
    // The type of exchange used for the consumed message (direct, fanout,
    // topic, or headers).
    txn.AddAttribute(newrelic.AttributeMessageExchangeType, "myExchangeType")
    // The callback queue used in RPC configurations.
    txn.AddAttribute(newrelic.AttributeMessageReplyTo, "myReplyTo")
    // The application-generated identifier used in RPC configurations.
    txn.AddAttribute(newrelic.AttributeMessageCorrelationID, "myCorrelationID")

    It is recommended that at most one message is consumed per transaction.

  • Added support for Go 1.13's Error wrapping. Transaction.NoticeError now uses Unwrap recursively to identify the error's cause (the deepest wrapped error) when generating the error's class field. This functionality will help group your errors usefully.

    For example, when using Go 1.13, the following code:

    type socketError struct{}
    func (e socketError) Error() string { return "socket error" }
    func gamma() error { return socketError{} }
    func beta() error { return fmt.Errorf("problem in beta: %w", gamma()) }
    func alpha() error { return fmt.Errorf("problem in alpha: %w", beta()) }
    func execute(txn newrelic.Transaction) {
    err := alpha()

    captures an error with message "problem in alpha: problem in beta: socket error" and class "main.socketError". Previously, the class was recorded as "*fmt.wrapError".

  • A Stack field has been added to Error, which can be assigned using the new NewStackTrace function. This allows your error stack trace to show where the error happened, rather than the location of the NoticeError call.

    Transaction.NoticeError not only checks for a stack trace (using StackTracer) in the error parameter, but in the error's cause as well. This means that you can create an Error where your error occurred, wrap it multiple times to add information, notice it with NoticeError, and still have a useful stack trace. Take a look!

    func gamma() error {
    return newrelic.Error{
    Message: "something went very wrong",
    Class: "socketError",
    Stack: newrelic.NewStackTrace(),
    func beta() error { return fmt.Errorf("problem in beta: %w", gamma()) }
    func alpha() error { return fmt.Errorf("problem in alpha: %w", beta()) }
    func execute(txn newrelic.Transaction) {
    err := alpha()

    In this example, the topmost stack trace frame recorded is "gamma", rather than "execute".

  • Added support for configuring a maximum number of transaction events per minute to be sent to New Relic. It can be configured as follows:

    config := newrelic.NewConfig("Application Name", os.Getenv("NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY"))
    config.TransactionEvents.MaxSamplesStored = 100


September 23, 2019
Go agent v2.13.0


New Features

September 17, 2019
Go agent v2.12.0

New Features

  • Added new methods to expose Transaction details:

    • Transaction.GetTraceMetadata() returns a TraceMetadata which contains distributed tracing identifiers.
    • Transaction.GetLinkingMetadata() returns a LinkingMetadata which contains the fields needed to link data to a trace or entity.
  • Added a new plugin for the Logrus logging framework with the new _integrations/logcontext/nrlogrusplugin package. This plugin leverages the new GetTraceMetadata and GetLinkingMetadata above to decorate logs.

    To enable, set your log's formatter to the nrlogrusplugin.ContextFormatter{}

    logger := logrus.New()

    The logger will now look for a newrelic.Transaction inside its context and decorate logs accordingly. Therefore, the Transaction must be added to the context and passed to the logger. For example, this logging call

    logger.Info("Hello New Relic!")

    must be transformed to include the context, such as:

    ctx := newrelic.NewContext(context.Background(), txn)
    logger.WithContext(ctx).Info("Hello New Relic!")

    For full documentation see the godocs or view the example.

  • Added support for NATS and NATS Streaming monitoring with the new _integrations/nrnats and _integrations/nrstan packages. These packages support instrumentation of publishers and subscribers.

  • Enables ability to migrate to Configurable Security Policies (CSP) on a per agent basis for accounts already using High-security mode (HSM).

    • Previously, if CSP was configured for an account, New Relic would not allow an agent to connect without the security_policies_token. This led to agents not being able to connect during the period between when CSP was enabled for an account and when each agent is configured with the correct token.
    • With this change, when both HSM and CSP are enabled for an account, an agent (this version or later) can successfully connect with either high_security: true or the appropriate security_policies_token configured - allowing the agent to continue to connect after CSP is configured on the account but before the appropriate security_policies_token is configured for each agent.

August 22, 2019
Go agent v2.11.0

New Features

  • Added support for Micro monitoring with the new _integrations/nrmicro package. This package supports instrumentation for servers, clients, publishers, and subscribers.

  • Added support for creating static WebRequest instances manually via the NewStaticWebRequest function. This can be useful when you want to create a web transaction but don't have an http.Request object. Here's an example of creating a static WebRequest and using it to mark a transaction as a web transaction:

    hdrs := http.Headers{}
    u, _ := url.Parse("http://example.com")
    webReq := newrelic.NewStaticWebRequest(hdrs, u, "GET", newrelic.TransportHTTP)
    txn := app.StartTransaction("My-Transaction", nil, nil)

July 31, 2019
Go agent v2.10.0


New Features

  • Added support for custom events when using nrlambda. Example Lambda handler which creates custom event:

    func handler(ctx context.Context) {
    if txn := newrelic.FromContext(ctx); nil != txn {
    txn.Application().RecordCustomEvent("myEvent", map[string]interface{}{
    "zip": "zap",
    fmt.Println("hello world!")

July 10, 2019
Go agent v2.9.0


New Features

  • Added support for gRPC monitoring with the new _integrations/nrgrpc package. This package supports instrumentation for servers and clients.

  • Added new ExternalSegment fields Host, Procedure, and Library. These optional fields are automatically populated from the segment's URL or Request if unset. Use them if you don't have access to a request or URL but still want useful external metrics, transaction segment attributes, and span attributes.

    • Host is used for external metrics, transaction trace segment names, and span event names. The host of segment's Request or URL is the default.
    • Procedure is used for transaction breakdown metrics. If set, it should be set to the remote procedure being called. The HTTP method of the segment's Request is the default.
    • Library is used for external metrics and the "component" span attribute. If set, it should be set to the framework making the call. "http" is the default.

    With the addition of these new fields, external transaction breakdown metrics are changed: External/myhost.com/all will now report as External/myhost.com/http/GET (provided the HTTP method is GET).

  • HTTP Response codes below 100, except 0 and 5, are now recorded as errors. This is to support gRPC status codes. If you start seeing new status code errors that you would like to ignore, add them to Config.ErrorCollector.IgnoreStatusCodes or your server side configuration settings.

  • Improve logrus support by introducing nrlogrus.Transform, a function which allows you to turn a logrus.Logger instance into a newrelic.Logger. Example use:

    l := logrus.New()
    cfg := newrelic.NewConfig("Your Application Name", "__YOUR_NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY__")
    cfg.Logger = nrlogrus.Transform(l)

    As a result of this change, the nrlogrus package requires logrus version v1.1.0 and above.

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