Our NerdGraph API allows you to automate creating, updating, or deleting your synthetic monitors, private locations, secure credentials, and monitor downtimes.
Requirements include:
- General NerdGraph requirements
- Relevant user permissions: the same synthetic monitoring permissions that apply for using the synthetics UI apply for using NerdGraph
Understand fields in NerdGraph explorer
You can view field definitions in NerdGraph explorer, but it may help to better understand the LOCATION
, and other fields.
Configure simple browser, scripted browser, and step monitors to use one or more browser types. Don't include this attribute when using the Chrome 72 legacy runtime. Examples:
to use Chrome only[FIREFOX]
to use Firefox only[CHROME, FIREFOX]
to use Chrome and Firefox
Configure simple browser, scripted browser, and step monitors to use one or more emulated device types. Don't include this attribute when using the Chrome 72 legacy runtime. Examples:
Multiple emulated device configurations can be used by a single monitor:
To identify a private location in your scripts, use the private location's entity GUID. If the private location is configured to use verified script execution, also include the vsePassword
attribute. For example:
locations: { private: { guid: LOCATION_ENTITY_GUID, vsePassword: YOUR_VSE_PASSWORD }}
Public locations use the location identifier without the AWS_ prefix, for example:
locations: { public: ["US_EAST_2", "US_WEST_1"]}
attribute defines a time interval for your monitors to execute. To define the interval, use these forms:
for every minute.EVERY_N_MINUTES
, where 'N' is minutes. Supported values includeEVERY_5_MINUTES
for every hour.EVERY_N_HOURS
, where 'N' is hours. Supported values includeEVERY_6_HOURS
for once a day.
Tags are optional. You can add tags during monitor creation, or later using tagging calls in NerdGraph or the UI. Multiple tags can be added in a single mutation call using an array that contains keys and values.
Some fields are for more advanced configurations. These are optional.
For ping monitors, these include:
: Your custom header names that appear on the request.HEADER_VALUE
: The custom header value on the request.REDIRECT_IS_FAILURE
: Your monitor reports a failure if it's redirected.VALIDATION_TEXT
: If this text is not included in your monitor's response, it returns a failure.TLS_VALIDATION
: Verifies the validity of the SSL certificate chain.BYPASS_HEAD_REQUEST
: Bypasses the initial HEAD request and instead makes a GET request.
: The runtime type used by your monitor. "CHROME_BROWSER" is the only accepted value.RUNTIME_TYPE_VERSION
: The runtime type version used by your monitor. "100" is the only accepted value.SCRIPT_LANGUAGE
: The language used in your monitor. "JAVASCRIPT" is the only accepted value.
: The actual contents of the script. This should not be based64 encoded.RUNTIME_TYPE
: The runtime type used by your monitor. "NODE_API" is the only accepted value.RUNTIME_TYPE_VERSION
: The runtime type version used by your monitor. The only accepted value is16.10
: The language used in your monitor. "JAVASCRIPT" is the only accepted value.
For scripted browser monitors:
: The actual contents of the script. This should not be based64 encoded.RUNTIME_TYPE
: The runtime type used by your monitor. "CHROME_BROWSER" is the only accepted value.RUNTIME_TYPE_VERSION
: The runtime type version used by your monitor. "100" is the only accepted value.SCRIPT_LANGUAGE
: The language used in your monitor. "JAVASCRIPT" is the only accepted value.
For step monitors:
: The runtime type used by your monitor. "CHROME_BROWSER" is the only accepted value.RUNTIME_TYPE_VERSION
: The runtime type version used by your monitor. "100" is the only accepted value.SCRIPT_LANGUAGE
: The language used in your monitor. "JAVASCRIPT" is the only accepted value.
For certificate check monitors:
: Notifies you when you need to update your certificate. For example, if you wanted a notification 30 days before the certificate expires, you would input 30.RUNTIME_TYPE
: The runtime type used by your monitor. "NODE_API" is the only accepted value.RUNTIME_TYPE_VERSION
: The runtime type version used by your monitor. The only accepted value is16.10
: The language used in your monitor. "JAVASCRIPT" is the only accepted value.
For broken link monitors:
: The runtime type used by your monitor. "NODE_API" is the only accepted value.RUNTIME_TYPE_VERSION
: The runtime type version used by your monitor. The only accepted value is16.10
: The language used in your monitor. "JAVASCRIPT" is the only accepted value.
For all monitors:
: The monitor's Apdex target used to populate SLA reports. Defaults to 7 seconds (7000ms).
Use queries to retrieve data
Queries make requests to fetch data. To learn additional query capabilities available to your synthetic entities, check out NerdGraph entities API tutorial.
You can query your synthetic monitors to get current status information about your data or details about the monitor configuration. Many monitor configurations are surfaced as tags.
{ actor { entitySearch(query: "domain = 'SYNTH' AND type = 'MONITOR'") { results { entities { ... on SyntheticMonitorEntityOutline { guid name accountId monitorType tags { key values } } } } } }}
You're able to query your private locations:
{ actor { entitySearch(query: "domain = 'SYNTH' AND type = 'PRIVATE_LOCATION'") { results { entities { accountId guid name tags { key values } } } } }}
Query existing monitor downtimes. Configuration details are stored in tags.
{ actor { entitySearch(query: "domain = 'SYNTH' AND type = 'MONITOR_DOWNTIME'") { results { entities { accountId guid name tags { key values } } } } }}
Querying secure credentials lets you retrieve metadata only, but not the credential values themselves:
{ actor { entitySearch(query: "domain = 'SYNTH' AND type = 'SECURE_CRED'") { results { entities { ... on SecureCredentialEntityOutline { accountId guid name tags { key values } updatedAt } } } } }}
Retrieve the script used in a scripted API or scripted browser monitor. Other monitor types will return an error.
{ actor { account(id: ACCOUNT_ID) { synthetics { script(monitorGuid: "ENTITY_GUID") { text } } } }}
Retrieve the steps configured for a step monitor. Other monitor types will return an error.
{ actor { account(id: ACCOUNT_ID) { synthetics { steps(monitorGuid: "ENTITY_GUID") { ordinal type values } } } }}
Retrieve the entity GUID for a synthetic monitor using the monitor ID.
{ actor { entitySearch(query: "(domainId = 'MONITOR_ID')") { results { entities { ... on SyntheticMonitorEntityOutline { guid name monitorId } } } } }}
Retrieve the status of all runtime upgrade tests for legacy runtime monitors. These tests populate the runtime upgrades UI. The test result is stored in the validationStatus
tag. If the upgrade test failed, the error message is available in the validationError
{ actor { entitySearch(query: "domain = 'SYNTH' AND type = 'RUNTIME_VALIDATION'") { results { entities { accountId guid name tags { key values } } } } }}
Retrieve the status of a runtime upgrade test for a single legacy runtime monitor. These test results populate the runtime upgrades UI. The test result is stored in the validationStatus
tag. If the upgrade test failed, the error message is available in the validationError
{ actor { entitySearch( query: "domain = 'SYNTH' AND type = 'RUNTIME_VALIDATION' AND domainId = 'MONITOR_ID'" ) { results { entities { accountId guid name tags { key values } } } } }}
Create your synthetic monitors
Below are some sample requests to automate the creation of your synthetic monitors.
Include the runtime object that includes runtimeType
, runtimeTypeVersion
, and scriptLanguage
to use a newer runtime. Do not include the runtime object and these attributes to continue using a legacy runtime.
As of August 26, 2024, you can no longer create new monitors using legacy runtimes on public or private locations. On October 22, 2024, we will end of life the containerized private minion (CPM) and legacy synthetics runtime versions.
- For public locations, use the runtime upgrade UI to update your monitors to the newest runtimes.
- For private locations, please review our recommended migration steps to avoid monitor degradation.
Ping monitors check that your application is running. Here's an example for creating one in NerdGraph:
mutation { syntheticsCreateSimpleMonitor( accountId: ACCOUNT_ID monitor: { locations: { public: ["LOCATION_1", "LOCATION_2"] } name: "YOUR_MONITOR_NAME" period: PERIOD status: STATUS uri: "MONITORED_URI" advancedOptions: { customHeaders: { name: "HEADER_NAME", value: "HEADER_VALUE" } redirectIsFailure: REDIRECT_IS_FAILURE responseValidationText: "VALIDATION_TEXT" shouldBypassHeadRequest: BYPASS_HEAD_REQUEST useTlsValidation: TLS_VALIDATION } apdexTarget: APDEX_TARGET } ) { errors { description type } }}
Simple browser monitors use Chrome instances to mimic customer visits. Here's an example for creating one in NerdGraph:
mutation { syntheticsCreateSimpleBrowserMonitor( accountId: ACCOUNT_ID monitor: { browsers: [BROWSERS] devices: [DEVICES] locations: { public: ["LOCATION_1", "LOCATION_2"] } name: "YOUR_MONITOR_NAME" period: PERIOD runtime: { runtimeType: "RUNTIME_TYPE" runtimeTypeVersion: "RUNTIME_TYPE_VERSION" scriptLanguage: "SCRIPT_LANGUAGE" } status: STATUS uri: "MONITORED_URI" advancedOptions: { customHeaders: { name: "HEADER_NAME", value: "HEADER_VALUE" } enableScreenshotOnFailureAndScript: ENABLE_SCREENSHOT responseValidationText: "VALIDATION_TEXT" useTlsValidation: TLS_VALIDATION } apdexTarget: APDEX_TARGET } ) { errors { description type } }}
Scripted browser monitors are more complex interactions with your pages and applications. Here's an example for creating one in NerdGraph:
mutation { syntheticsCreateScriptBrowserMonitor( accountId: ACCOUNT_ID monitor: { browsers: [BROWSERS] devices: [DEVICES] locations: { public: ["LOCATION_1", "LOCATION_2"] } name: "MONITOR_NAME" period: PERIOD runtime: { runtimeType: "RUNTIME_TYPE" runtimeTypeVersion: "RUNTIME_TYPE_VERSION" scriptLanguage: "SCRIPT_LANGUAGE" } script: "SCRIPT_CONTENT" status: STATUS advancedOptions: { enableScreenshotOnFailureAndScript: ENABLE_SCREENSHOT } apdexTarget: APDEX_TARGET } ) { errors { description type } }}
Scripted API monitors check your API endpoints. Here's an example for creating one in NerdGraph:
mutation { syntheticsCreateScriptApiMonitor( accountId: ACCOUNT_ID monitor: { locations: { public: ["LOCATION_1", "LOCATION_2"] } name: "YOUR_MONITOR_NAME" period: PERIOD runtime: { runtimeType: "RUNTIME_TYPE" runtimeTypeVersion: "RUNTIME_TYPE_VERSION" scriptLanguage: "SCRIPT_LANGUAGE" } script: "SCRIPT_CONTENT" status: STATUS apdexTarget: APDEX_TARGET } ) { errors { description type } }}
Step monitors provide codeless multi-step browser based monitors. Here's an example for creating one in NerdGraph:
mutation { syntheticsCreateStepMonitor( accountId: ACCOUNT_ID monitor: { browsers: [BROWSERS] devices: [DEVICES] locations: { public: ["LOCATION_1", "LOCATION_2"] } name: "MONITOR_NAME" period: PERIOD runtime: { runtimeType: "RUNTIME_TYPE" runtimeTypeVersion: "RUNTIME_TYPE_VERSION" scriptLanguage: "SCRIPT_LANGUAGE" } status: STATUS steps: [ { ordinal: 0, type: NAVIGATE, values: ["MONITORED_URI", "USER_AGENT"] } { ordinal: STEP_NUMBER type: STEP_TYPE values: ["CONDITIONAL_TYPE", "VALUE"] } ] advancedOptions: { enableScreenshotOnFailureAndScript: ENABLE_SCREENSHOT } apdexTarget: APDEX_TARGET } ) { errors { description type } }}
Set up monitors to notify you when your SSL certificates are about to expire. Here's an example for creating one in NerdGraph:
mutation { syntheticsCreateCertCheckMonitor( accountId: ACCOUNT_ID monitor: { domain: "DOMAIN" locations: { public: ["LOCATION_1", "LOCATION_2"] } name: "YOUR_MONITOR_NAME" numberDaysToFailBeforeCertExpires: DAYS_UNTIL_EXPIRATION period: PERIOD status: STATUS apdexTarget: APDEX_TARGET } ) { errors { description type } }}
Broken links monitors check the links on a webpage for failure. Here's an example for creating one in NerdGraph:
mutation { syntheticsCreateBrokenLinksMonitor( accountId: ACCOUNT_ID monitor: { locations: { public: ["LOCATION_1", "LOCATION_2"] } name: "YOUR_MONITOR_NAME" period: PERIOD status: STATUS apdexTarget: APDEX_TARGET uri: "MONITOR_URI" tags: { key: "YOUR_TAG_NAME", values: "TAG_VALUE" } } ) { errors { description type } }}
Update your synthetic monitors
While you can't change the monitor type after creating it, you can update its settings. Only the guid and the settings that need updated are required as part of the request.
Include the runtime object that includes runtimeType, runtimeTypeVersion, and scriptLanguage to upgrade a monitor to use a newer runtime. Include this object and set these attributes to empty string to downgrade to a legacy runtime. Do not include this object and these attributes to continue using a legacy runtime.
Use this to update your ping monitors:
mutation { syntheticsUpdateSimpleMonitor( guid: "ENTITY_GUID" monitor: { locations: { public: ["LOCATION_1", "LOCATION_2"] } name: "YOUR_MONITOR_NAME" period: PERIOD status: STATUS uri: "MONITORED_URI" advancedOptions: { customHeaders: { name: "HEADER_NAME", value: "HEADER_VALUE" } redirectIsFailure: REDIRECT_IS_FAILURE responseValidationText: "VALIDATION_TEXT" shouldBypassHeadRequest: BYPASS_HEAD_REQUEST useTlsValidation: TLS_VALIDATION } apdexTarget: APDEX_TARGET } ) { errors { description type } }}
To update a simple browser monitor (including the ability to upgrade the runtime version), use this:
mutation { syntheticsUpdateSimpleBrowserMonitor( guid: ENTITY_GUID monitor: { browsers: [BROWSERS] devices: [DEVICES] locations: { public: ["LOCATION_1", "LOCATION_2"] } name: "YOUR_MONITOR_NAME" period: PERIOD runtime: { runtimeType: "RUNTIME_TYPE" runtimeTypeVersion: "RUNTIME_TYPE_VERSION" scriptLanguage: "SCRIPT_LANGUAGE" } status: STATUS uri: "MONITORED_URI" advancedOptions: { customHeaders: { name: "HEADER_NAME", value: "HEADER_VALUE" } enableScreenshotOnFailureAndScript: ENABLE_SCREENSHOT responseValidationText: "VALIDATION_TEXT" useTlsValidation: TLS_VALIDATION } apdexTarget: APDEX_TARGET } ) { errors { description type } }}
To update a scripted browser monitor (including the ability to upgrade the runtime version), use this:
mutation { syntheticsUpdateScriptBrowserMonitor( guid: ENTITY_GUID monitor: { browsers: [BROWSERS] devices: [DEVICES] locations: { public: ["LOCATION_1", "LOCATION_2"] } name: "MONITOR_NAME" period: PERIOD runtime: { runtimeType: "RUNTIME_TYPE" runtimeTypeVersion: "RUNTIME_TYPE_VERSION" scriptLanguage: "SCRIPT_LANGUAGE" } script: "SCRIPT_CONTENT" status: STATUS advancedOptions: { enableScreenshotOnFailureAndScript: ENABLE_SCREENSHOT } apdexTarget: APDEX_TARGET } ) { errors { description type } }}
To update a scripted API monitor (including the ability to upgrade the runtime version), use this:
mutation { syntheticsUpdateScriptApiMonitor( guid: ENTITY_GUID monitor: { locations: { public: ["LOCATION_1", "LOCATION_2"] } name: "YOUR_MONITOR_NAME" period: PERIOD runtime: { runtimeType: "RUNTIME_TYPE" runtimeTypeVersion: "RUNTIME_TYPE_VERSION" scriptLanguage: "SCRIPT_LANGUAGE" } script: "SCRIPT_CONTENT" status: STATUS apdexTarget: APDEX_TARGET } ) { errors { description type } }}
Use this to update a step monitor:
mutation { syntheticsUpdateStepMonitor( guid: ENTITY_GUID monitor: { browsers: [BROWSERS] devices: [DEVICES] locations: { public: ["LOCATION_1", "LOCATION_2"] } name: "MONITOR_NAME" period: PERIOD runtime: { runtimeType: "RUNTIME_TYPE" runtimeTypeVersion: "RUNTIME_TYPE_VERSION" scriptLanguage: "SCRIPT_LANGUAGE" } status: STATUS steps: [ { ordinal: 0, type: NAVIGATE, values: ["MONITORED_URI", "USER_AGENT"] } { ordinal: STEP_NUMBER type: STEP_TYPE values: ["VALUE_1", "VALUE_2"] } ] advancedOptions: { enableScreenshotOnFailureAndScript: ENABLE_SCREENSHOT } apdexTarget: APDEX_TARGET } ) { errors { description type } }}
Use this to update a certificate check monitor:
mutation { syntheticsUpdateCertCheckMonitor( guid: ENTITY_GUID monitor: { domain: "DOMAIN" locations: { public: ["LOCATION_1", "LOCATION_2"] } name: "YOUR_MONITOR_NAME" numberDaysToFailBeforeCertExpires: DAYS_UNTIL_EXPIRATION period: PERIOD status: STATUS apdexTarget: APDEX_TARGET } ) { errors { description type } }}
Use this to update a broken links monitor:
mutation { syntheticsUpdateBrokenLinksMonitor( guid: ENTITY_GUID monitor: { locations: { public: ["LOCATION_1", "LOCATION_2"] } name: "YOUR_MONITOR_NAME" period: PERIOD status: STATUS apdexTarget: APDEX_TARGET uri: "MONITOR_URI" tags: { key: "YOUR_TAG_NAME", values: "TAG_VALUE" } } ) { errors { description type } }}
You can use the below example to update a simple browser, scripted API, or scripted browser monitor to the new Chrome 100+ or Node.js 16.10 runtimes. The following example upgrades a scripted browser monitor to the new runtime from the legacy runtime.
To update a simple browser monitor using the below example, change the mutation to
instead ofsyntheticsUpdateScriptBrowserMonitor
.To update a scripted API monitor using the below example, change the mutation to
instead ofsyntheticsUpdateScriptBrowserMonitor
.Check out optional-fields for additional details on runtime settings.
mutation {syntheticsUpdateScriptBrowserMonitor(guid: "ENTITY_GUID"monitor: {runtime: {runtimeType: "RUNTIME_TYPE"runtimeTypeVersion: "RUNTIME_TYPE_VERSION"scriptLanguage: "SCRIPT_LANGUAGE"}}) {errors {descriptiontype}}}
You can use the below example to update a simple browser, scripted API, or scripted browser monitor to use a legacy runtime prior to the October 22, 2024 EOL. The following example downgrades a scripted browser monitor to the legacy runtime from the new runtime.
To update a simple browser monitor using the below example, change the mutation to
instead ofsyntheticsUpdateScriptBrowserMonitor
.To update a scripted API monitor using the below example, change the mutation to
instead ofsyntheticsUpdateScriptBrowserMonitor
.Check out optional-fields for additional details on runtime settings.
mutation {syntheticsUpdateScriptBrowserMonitor(guid: "ENTITY_GUID"monitor: {runtime: { runtimeType: "", runtimeTypeVersion: "", scriptLanguage: "" }}) {errors {descriptiontype}}}
Delete a synthetic monitor
Use these scripts to delete your monitors:
Delete a monitor using the monitor entity GUID.
mutation { syntheticsDeleteMonitor(guid: "ENTITY_GUID") { deletedGuid }}
Manage your private locations
A private location allows you to monitor applications behind your firewall. When you create a private location, you install and configure private minions to execute the monitors assigned to that private location.
mutation { syntheticsCreatePrivateLocation( accountId: ACCOUNT_ID name: "PrivateLocationName" description: "Optional description" verifiedScriptExecution: false ) { guid errors { description type } }}
mutation { syntheticsUpdatePrivateLocation( guid: ENTITY_GUID description: "EnterYourDescription" verifiedScriptExecution: true ) { description verifiedScriptExecution errors { description type } }}
mutation { syntheticsDeletePrivateLocation(guid: ENTITY_GUID) { errors { description type } }}
If you need to clear an unwieldy backlog, use this:
mutation { syntheticsPurgePrivateLocationQueue(guid: ENTITY_GUID) { errors { description type } }}
Manage your secure credentials
You use secure credentials when storing, protecting, and centrally managing protected information used by your monitors, like passwords, API keys, or encoded certificates. Using NerdGraph allows you to programmatically change the values of your secure credentials if you need to reset any credentials for any reason.
mutation { syntheticsCreateSecureCredential( accountId: ACCOUNT_ID description: "YourOptionalDescription" key: SECURE_CREDENTIAL_NAME value: SECURE_CREDENTIAL_VALUE ) { errors { description } }}
mutation { syntheticsUpdateSecureCredential( accountId: ACCOUNT_ID description: "YourOptionalDescription" key: SECURE_CREDENTIAL_NAME value: SECURE_CREDENTIAL_VALUE ) { createdAt lastUpdate errors { description } }}
mutation { syntheticsDeleteSecureCredential( accountId: ACCOUNT_ID key: SECURE_CREDENTIAL_NAME ) { errors { description } }}
Manage your monitor downtimes
Monitor downtimes let you specify times that your synthetics should stop running. We've provided different snippets that demonstrate how to schedule monitor downtimes for your synthetics. You need to update these snippets to specify timezone, start times, and end times. To learn more about when you might schedule monitor downtimes, check out our doc Disable monitoring during scheduled maintenance times. To find timezone values, see the tz database of time zones. For example, America/Los Angeles would use the PDT abbreviation.
mutation { syntheticsCreateOnceMonitorDowntime( accountId: ACCOUNT_ID name: "MonitorDowntimeName" monitorGuids: ["OptionalMonitorEntityGuid", "OptionalMonitorEntityGuid"] timezone: "TIMEZONE" startTime: "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss" endTime: "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss" ) { guid accountId name monitorGuids timezone startTime endTime }}
mutation { syntheticsCreateDailyMonitorDowntime( accountId: ACCOUNT_ID name: "MonitorDowntimeName" monitorGuids: [ "OptionalMonitorEntityGuid" "AnotherOptionalMonitorEntityGuid" ] timezone: "TIMEZONE" startTime: "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss" endTime: "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss" endRepeat: { onDate: "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss", onRepeat: Int } ) { guid accountId name monitorGuids timezone startTime endTime endRepeat { onDate onRepeat } }}
mutation { syntheticsCreateWeeklyMonitorDowntime( accountId: ACCOUNT_ID name: "MonitorDowntimeName" monitorGuids: [ "OptionalMonitorEntityGuid" "AnotherOptionalMonitorEntityGuid" ] timezone: "TIMEZONE" startTime: "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss" endTime: "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss" endRepeat: { onDate: "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss", onRepeat: Int } maintenanceDays: [WeekDaysEnums] ) { guid accountId name monitorGuids timezone startTime endTime endRepeat { onDate onRepeat } maintenanceDays }}
mutation { syntheticsCreateMonthlyMonitorDowntime( accountId: ACCOUNT_ID name: "MonitorDowntimeName" monitorGuids: [ "OptionalMonitorEntityGuid" "AnotherOptionalMonitorEntityGuid" ] timezone: "TIMEZONE" startTime: "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss" endTime: "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss" endRepeat: { onDate: "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss", onRepeat: Int } frequency: { daysOfWeek: { weekDay: WeekDaysEnum ordinalDayOfMonth: DayOfMonthOrdinal } daysOfMonth: [Int] } ) { guid accountId name monitorGuids timezone startTime endTime endRepeat { onDate onRepeat } frequency { daysOfWeek { weekDay ordinalDayOfMonth } daysOfMonth } }}
mutation { syntheticsEditMonitorDowntime ( guid: "MonitorDowntimeEntityGuid", name: "MONITOR_DOWNTIME_NAME", monitorGuids: ["OptionalMonitorEntityGuid", "AnotherOptionalMonitorEntityGuid"], once: { timezone: "TIMEZONE", startTime: "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss", endTime: "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss" }, daily: { timezone: "TIMEZONE", startTime: "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss", endTime: "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss", endRepeat: { onDate: "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss", onRepeat: Int } }, weekly: { timezone: "TIMEZONE", startTime: "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss", endTime: "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss", endRepeat: { onDate: "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss", onRepeat: Int }, maintenanceDays: [WeekDaysEnums] }, monthly: { timezone: "TIMEZONE", startTime: "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss", endTime: "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss", endRepeat: { onDate: "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss", onRepeat: Int }, frequency: { daysOfWeek: { weekDay: WeekDaysEnum, ordinalDayOfMonth: DayOfMonthOrdinal }, daysOfMonth: [Int] } ) { guid, accountId, name, monitorGuids, timezone, startTime, endTime, endRepeat { onDate, onRepeat }, maintenanceDays, frequency { daysOfWeek { weekDay, ordinalDayOfMonth }, daysOfMonth } }}
mutation { syntheticsDeleteMonitorDowntime(guid: DOWNTIME_ENTITY_GUID) { guid }}