database.postgresql.insights.aggregate.ExecutionTime | Microseconds | Accumulated query execution time since the last sample.This is the sum of CPU time, IO wait time, lock wait time, process context switch, and scheduling for all the processes involved in the query execution. |
database.postgresql.insights.aggregate.IoTime | Microseconds | Accumulated IO time since the last sample. |
database.postgresql.insights.aggregate.Latencies | Microseconds | Query latency distribution. |
database.postgresql.insights.aggregate.LockTime | Microseconds | Accumulated lock wait time since the last sample. |
database.postgresql.insights.aggregate.Row | Count | The number of retrieved or affected rows since the last sample. |
database.postgresql.insights.aggregate.SharedBlkAccess | Count | Shared blocks (regular tables and indexed) accessed by statement execution. |
database.postgresql.insights.perquery.ExecutionTime | Microseconds | Accumulated execution times per user per database per query.This is the sum of CPU time, IO wait time, lock wait time, process context switch, and scheduling for all the processes involved in the query execution. |
database.postgresql.insights.perquery.IoTime | Microseconds | Accumulated IO time since the last sample. |
database.postgresql.insights.perquery.Latencies | Microseconds | Query latency distribution. |
database.postgresql.insights.perquery.LockTime | Microseconds | Accumulated lock wait time since the last sample. |
database.postgresql.insights.perquery.Row | Count | The number of retrieved or affected rows since the last sample. |
database.postgresql.insights.perquery.SharedBlkAccess | Count | Shared blocks (regular tables & indexed) accesssed by statement execution. |
database.postgresql.insights.pertag.ExecutionTime | Microseconds | Accumulated execution times since the last sample.This is the sum of CPU time, IO wait time, lock wait time, process context switch, and scheduling for all the processes involved in the query execution. |
database.postgresql.insights.pertag.IoTime | Microseconds | Accumulated IO time since the last sample. |
database.postgresql.insights.pertag.Latencies | Microseconds | Query latency distribution. |
database.postgresql.insights.pertag.LockTime | Microseconds | Accumulated lock wait time since the last sample. |
database.postgresql.insights.pertag.Row | Count | The number of retrieved or affected rows since the last sample. |
database.postgresql.insights.pertag.SharedBlkAccess | Count | Shared blocks (regular tables & indexed) accessed by statement execution. |