June 11, 2020
Containerized private minion (CPM) v3.0.7
- Base minion image upgraded to adoptopenjdk/openjdk8:jre8u252-b09-alpine
- Fixed logic to detect when a job failed due to the cluster node not being able to provide the resource requested
May 28, 2020
Containerized private minion (CPM) v3.0.5
- Clean up deprecated code
May 21, 2020
Containerized private minion (CPM) v3.0.3
New features
- For the Kubernetes CPM option, users can now apply an Apparmor profile to the Synthetics Minion and Runner containers.
- For the Kubernetes CPM option, updated Synthetics Runner pod resource limit-request ratio to be less than or equal to 2 for Browser and Scripted monitor checks.
May 14, 2020
Containerized private minion (CPM) v3.0.2
- Minor logging improvements
May 7, 2020
Containerized private minion (CPM) v3.0.1
- Fixed Synthetics Job timeout error logging to return "ScriptTimeoutError" instead of "Unknown Error".
April 23, 2020
Containerized private minion (CPM) v2.2.30
- Minor logging improvements
Containerized private minion (CPM) v3.0.0
New Features
Introducing a CPM for the Kubernetes environment!
The CPM now offers additional features and value:
- Auto-detects between a Kubernetes environment and a Docker environment
- Integrates with the Kubernetes API to delegate Runtime lifecycle management to Kubernetes
- Does not require privileged access to the docker socket
- Supports hosted and on-premise Kubernetes clusters
- Supports various container engines such as Docker and Containerd
- Deployable via Helm charts as well as configuration yamls
April 2, 2020
Containerized private minion (CPM) v2.2.29
- Users now have granular control over the minion's concurrency level via the MINION_HEAVY_WORKERS and MINION_LIGHTWEIGHT_WORKERS environment variables. See CPM documentation for further info
Containerized private minion (CPM) v2.2.28
- Adds support for the WebSocket Node.js library in scripted synthetic monitors
Containerized private minion (CPM) v2.2.27
- Updated LICENSE manifest file to reflect OSS attribution